The Illinois Artist Behind Social Media’s Latest Big Idea 🔗 📱 💻 🖥 ❤️

Instagram and Twitter are removing the numbers of likes and retweets from public view. But it began with a man named Ben Grosser.

Since 2012, an Illinois-based artist named Ben Grosser has been exploring how numbers — the number of likes on a post, the number of friends or followers you’ve amassed — shape the experience of using social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube. To anyone who would listen, he has espoused the view that those numbers, known as metrics, mold our online behavior in ways deeper and more insidious than we realize — and that we’d all be better off without them. Seven years later, in a very different era for social media, the world’s largest tech companies have themselves begun experimenting with what Grosser calls ‘demetrication.’

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